Symbology Colleges and Universities

Suggested Search: religious symbology

California Institute of Integral Studies
pursue your doctoral, master’s, or bachelor’s completion degree at a university that connects the spiritual and practical dimensions of intellectual life, in a stimulating environment that fosters rigorous scholarship and supportive community.

Esoterica: The Journal
A peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the transdisciplinary study of Western esotericism: Western esoteric traditions including alchemy, astrology, Gnosticism, gnosis, magic, mysticism, Rosicrucianism, and secret societies, and their ramifications in art history, history, literature, and politics.

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Future pastors and educators grow here, ready to blossom in ministry all across our church and around the world. Word and Sacrament feed our souls while academic study and practical experience nourish our skills.

Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Religion is a complex network of ideas and actions (ethical and ritual) that express a group's sense of ultimate meaning of life. The academic study of religion examines how the beliefs and values of contemporary and historical cultures shape and are shaped by societal factors, long-standing traditions, and distinctive forms of literary and artistic expression.

The Office for Religious Life at Stanford University
To guide, nurture and enhance spiritual, religious and ethical life within the Stanford University community.

Trinity College
Students are provided with a basic direction through a distribution requirement (one course in each of five categories: the Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Numerical & Symbolic Reasoning, and Social Sciences). At the same time, they have the individual flexibility to experiment, to deepen old interests and develop new ones, and to acquire specialized training in a major field.

Virginia Commonwealth University - School of the Arts
One of the nation's largest arts and design schools.